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first line friday (because aren't first lines exciting?)

My father is always talking about how a dog can be very educational for a boy. This is one reason I got a cat.

From It's Like This, Cat by Emily Neville

From Wikipedia:

The main character of the kis Dave Mitchell, a 14-year-old who is growing up in mid-20th century New York City. Dave lives with his father and his asthmatic mother and her attacks worsen when Dave and his father have their frequent arguments. Dave's refuge after a clash with his father is with Kate, an elderly neighbor whose apartment is filled with the stray cats she loves. Dave adopts one of the cats, names it "Cat" and takes him home. "Cat" brings both joy and adventure into Dave's life.

Cat's presence brings Dave into contact with several new people, including a troubled college-aged boy named Tom and his first girlfriend, Mary. While documenting Tom's growing maturity, the book also provides glimpses of a few of New York's neighborhoods and attractions, from the Fulton Fish Market to the Bronx Zoo and Coney Island.

Why this book is here:

I love the view of a normal kid growing up in the New York of the 1960s and I love this cat. Read More 
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